Home Forums Software Development Unable to use the gaze data using Tobii.Stream Engine in C#

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    Hi, i’m trying to research for my university task purpose on moving a mouse using an Tobii Eye Tracker 5 with Tobii Stream Engine with C# language, the problem is i seem to cannot store the gaze point data into a value. Can someone maybe help me with the solution as i seem to not find a way to work with it.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @hansanugrah, thanks for reaching out. Whilst you are allowed freely to develop interactive application using the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 and Stream Engine, The storage of gaze data requires the purchase of a special licence to do so.

    You can read more about these licence requirements @ https://developer.tobii.com/license-agreement/

    However, if your intention is to simply emulate the mouse using gaze data, then you should not need to store the gaze data but simply use it in real time within your application.

    A number of users have already done this and shared their code online:


    Hopefully this points you in the right direction! Best Wishes


    Ah i see, thanks for the reference and yes i just need to use it in real time and not really need to store the data, thank you very much

    Grant [Tobii]

    OK great! best of luck with the development 🙂

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