Home Forums Software Development Using EyeX SDK and Gaze SDK in parallel

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    it’s me again. I’m wondering if I have to decide exclusively for either the EyeX SDK or the Gaze SDK. Is it possible to install both of them and switch between them from time to time?


    Hi Elias,
    you can install both and switch between them as much as you like.

    The one thing you have to be aware of is that the EyeX Engine will load its stored calibration onto the tracker every time it starts or when the tracker is connected. So if you use the Gaze SDK for calibration in parallel, you have to be careful not to have your calibration overwritten.



    I also have some difficulties relating to the parallel usage of Gaze and EyeX SDK.

    I am trying to use some of the functionality provided with the Gaze SDK in an EyeX and Unity3d project. I am wondering if anyone could explain me how to connect the Gaze SDK to the excisting project. Is there some documentation available?

    Thank you!


    Hi Maija,
    the EyeX SDK and the Gaze SDK can be used in parallel, in the same application, but it’s not something that we recommend because it’s complex and difficult to get right. But if you still want to try it, here is how:
    -download the Gaze SDK .NET API package (for Win32)
    -unzip and go to the lib directory
    -copy the Tobii.Gaze.Core.Net.dll to your Unity Plugins directory
    -copy the TobiiGazeCore32.dll to your Unity project directory.

    This will give you access to all the classes in the Tobii.Gaze.Core namespace from within the Unity environment. Check out the documentation and the code samples in the Gaze SDK package to see how it works.

    What is it that you’re building that requires the use of the low level Gaze API?


    Thanks for your reply, I’ll try it out!

    I want to get access to the gaze data for both eyes independently (e.g. the different x and y coordinates of the gaze points). And as long as I understood, this is not possible with the EyeX SDK, right?

    Robert [Tobii]

    You are right, the EyeX SDK does not provide gaze data for left/right eyes independently at the moment. We could add it later on if there are many people who need the data. What do you want to use left/right gaze points for?


    I want to calculate the z (depth) coordinate for a 3D gaze point. The easiest way to achieve this, is by comparing the on-screen gaze points of the two eyes. It would be really great, if you could add this to the EyeX SDK!


    @Maija, I just want to make sure I understand: is it the focus depth, that is, the point “below” the surface of the screen where the gaze from the two eyes intersect that you’re thinking of?


    Yes, exactly. I want to use a 3D display, thus the user can look at different depth layers.


    Ok, feature request noted!

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