[Solved] Does eye position meain pupil position?

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    I have a doubt about the exact meaning of the ‘eye position data’ that is obtained. I didn’t get a clear idea of if the pupil position can be tracked with the device, or if the ‘eye position’ means the position of the whole eye. For my desired application, I want to track the mm/cm that a person’s pupil moves, is it possible to obtain such information?

    From the sample functions that are provided it seems that the function we need to call is ‘txGetEyePositionDataEventParams’ which stores the position in a struct ‘pEventParams’. The problem is I’m not sure if the position is the one of the pupil, which is the one I require.

    Thank you

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Diana (@dorte10)

    The eye position data stream provides the distance from the origin (either screen or track box) to approximatley
    the centre of the pupil so you should be able to get a measurement on pupil movement in 3D Space.


    Thank you for your answer. Then, if the head of the person remains still but the eyeball moves (changing the position of the pupil) would the variable for eye position change?

    Sorry for the insistence,


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Diana,

    Yes that’s correct.. if the head is stationary but the eyeball moves then the variable for eye position should also change.. however, please bear in mind that the EyeX tracker is not designed for scientific research and that the long term storage
    of data is not permitted in the EyeX SDK licence agreement.


    Cool! Thank you for your help!

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