Ocumen Filters - Python API
This page outlines the Python API for Tobii Ocumen Filters.
API Overview
Freestanding callables inside the module.
- get_version - Returns an Ocumen Filters version.
- init_logging - Initializes logging.
- process_log_messages - Process all outstanding log messages.
- velocity_instantaneous - Computes instantaneous angular gaze velocities.
- velocity_windowed_indices - Computes index-based windowed angular gaze velocities.
- velocity_windowed_times - Computes time-based windowed angular gaze velocities.
- saccade_smeets_hooge - Detects saccades, including onset and offset.
- saccade_non_fixation - A simple detector that classifies everything a saccade that is not a fixation.
- saccade_simple - Simple filter to compute saccades. This filter will always point to the fastest, and simplest, unspecified saccade filter available.
- fixation_dispersion_angles - A white-label dispersion detector checking if gaze data is within certain thresholds.
- fixation_tobii_ivt - Fixation classification filter based on the Tobii Velocity-Threshold Identification (I-VT) algorithm.
- fixation_simple - Simple filter to compute fixations. This filter will always point to the fastest, and simplest, unspecified fixation filter available.
- pupil_lam_thompson_corbett_1987 - Computes the size difference between pupils and related metrics.
- spectral_stft_velocity - Compute the Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities (STFT).
- spectral_stft_velocity_extended - Compute the Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities (STFT) with extended window sizes.
- add_noise - Adds normally distributed noise to eye tracking gaze data.
- time_shift - Shifts time by a supplied duration.
- verify_delta_above - Checks whether all data has a time delta above a supplied duration.
- verify_delta_below - Checks whether all data has a time delta below a supplied duration.
- force_increasing_timestamp - Enforces that all timestamps are strictly increasing.
- sort_data_by_timestamp - Sorts data by timestamp in ascending order.
- resample_binocular_gaze - Resamples binocular gaze data given a method and target times.
- resample_position_guide_data - Resample position guide data given a method and target times.
- resample_entrance_pupil_data - Resample entrance pupil data given a method and target times.
- resample_pupil_size_absolute_data - Resample pupil size data given a method and target times.
- transform_binocular_gaze - Transforms binocular gaze from the local eye tracker coordinate system to world space given a matching head pose.
- detect_near_blinks - Detects near blinks.
- invalidate_near_blink_entrance_pupil - Invalidates entrance pupil data before and after a blink.
- invalidate_near_blink_binocular_gaze - Invalidates binocular gaze data before and after a blink.
- invalidate_near_blink_pupil_size_absolute - Invalidates pupil size absolute data before and after a blink.
- invalidate_near_blink_position_guide - Invalidates position guide data before and after a blink.
- invalidate_eye_for_blink_state - Invalidates the blink state data by eye.
- invalidate_eye_for_entrance_pupil - Invalidates the entrance pupil data by eye.
- invalidate_eye_for_gaze - Invalidates the gaze data by eye
- invalidate_eye_for_pupil_size - Invalidates the pupil size data by eye.
- invalidate_eye_for_position_guide - Invalidates the position guide data by eye.
- calculate_catmull_rom_resampling_length - Calculates count of the resampled items for Catmull-Rom resampling.
- catmull_rom_resampling - Samples gaze angles by interpolation using a Catmull-Rom spline.
- savitzky_golay_smoothing - Smooths gaze data by interpolation using fitted Savitzky-Golay polynomial functions.
Groups of related constants.
- Aggregation - Aggregation type for calculating values within a window.
- BlinkStatePerEye - Describes the openness of an eye in discrete steps. What exactly constitues
- Eye - Which eye(s) to invalidate.
- FilterError - Error type returned from filter functions.
- LogLevel - Log level for Ocumen functions.
- MissingValueStrategy - How to treat invalid data. Specific values can be provided in handle missing value field.
- ResampleMethod - Method used when resampling data.
- Scaling - Scaling for the results of the STFT with windowing functions.
- SmoothGazeData - Which component of the gaze ray to apply smoothing to.
- WindowingFunction - Windowing function to use for STFT calculation.
Data Structs
Composite data used by functions and methods.
- BinocularGaze - Gaze rays for the left and right eye.
- BlinkState - Encodes blink states for each eye.
- CameraPose - View matrices of the combined camera sitting between both eyes.
- CatmullRomResamplingConfig - Config for resampling using a Catmull-Rom spline.
- Complexf32 - A complex number in Cartesian form.
- DispersionAnglesFilterConfig - Configuration for the dispersion angle filter.
- EntrancePupilData - Entrance pupil data.
- FixationOutput - Output for left and right eye produced by a fixation filter.
- InvalidateEyeConfig - The configuration for the invalidate eyes filter.
- InvalidateNearBlinkConfig - Configuration for the invalidate near blink filter.
- LamThompsonCorbett1987FilterConfig - Configuration for the Lam Thompson Corbett 1987 filter.
- LogMessage - A single message recorded by our library.
- LoggerConfiguration - Configures how logging should be handled.
- Matrix4f32 - A 4x4 transformation matrix.
- NearBlinkOutput - Value indicating blink or near blink.
- NoiseConfig - Configuration for noise filter.
- Point2f32 - A point in 2D space.
- Point3f32 - A point in 3D space.
- PositionGuide - The 2D position of the eyes in the headset.
- PupilOutput - Output for Lam Thompson Corbett pupil filter.
- PupilPerEye - Per eye data for pupil filter output.
- PupilSizeAbsolute - Pupil diameter in millimeters for both eyes.
- PupilSizePerEye - Pupil diameter for the eye
- Rayf32 - A ray with an origin and direction.
- SaccadeOutput - Output for left and right eye produced by a saccade filter.
- SavitzkyGolaySmoothingConfig - Config for smoothing using fitted Savitzky Golay polynomial functions.
- SmeetsHoogeFilterConfig - Configuration for the Smeets Hooge filter.
- SpectralRFFIPerEye - Output for Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities per eye
- SpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended - Output for Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities with extended window per eye
- SpectralSTFTConfig - Config for computing the Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities (STFT)
- SpectralSTFTOutput - Output for Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities
- SpectralSTFTOutputExtended - Output for Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities with extended window
- TobiiIVTFilterConfig - Configuration for the Tobii I-VT filter.
- Vector3f32 - A 3-dimensional vector.
- VelocityOutput - Output for left and right eye produced by velocity filters.
- VelocityPerEye - Per eye data of velocity filter output.
- VelocityWindowedIndicesConfig - Configuration for the windowed angular gaze velocities using indices for the window definition.
- VelocityWindowedTimesConfig - Configuration for the windowed angular gaze velocities using times for the window definition.
- VerifyDeltaOutput - Output from the verify delta filter.
- Version - Encodes a version number for our products, like
. - SliceBinocularGaze - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- SliceBlinkState - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- SliceCameraPose - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- SliceEntrancePupilData - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- SliceFixationOutput - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- SlicePositionGuide - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- SlicePupilSizeAbsolute - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- SliceVelocityOutput - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- Slicei64 - A pointer and length of un-owned elements.
- OptionPupilPerEye - A boolean flag and optionally data.
- OptionSpectralRFFIPerEye - A boolean flag and optionally data.
- OptionSpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended - A boolean flag and optionally data.
- OptionVelocityPerEye - A boolean flag and optionally data.
- Optionbool - A boolean flag and optionally data.
- Optionf32 - A boolean flag and optionally data.
- Optioni64 - A boolean flag and optionally data.
Data Structs
Gaze rays for the left and right eye.
Coordinates in here are local space of the eye tracker, relative to a fictional
reference point between the eyes. To transform them to world space you need to use
the CameraPose
- left - Gaze origin and direction of the left eye.
- right - Gaze origin and direction of the right eye.
class BinocularGaze(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", Rayf32),
("right", Rayf32),
def __init__(self, left: Rayf32 = None, right: Rayf32 = None):
Encodes blink states for each eye.
- left - Left eye blink state.
- right - Right eye blink state.
class BlinkState(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", ctypes.c_int),
("right", ctypes.c_int),
def __init__(self, left: ctypes.c_int = None, right: ctypes.c_int = None):
View matrices of the combined camera sitting between both eyes.
- camera_to_world_matrix - The (assumed by non-existent) place where the camera that sits between both eyes would be. this is local-to-world, use case is to describe where head is; we expect a left-handed coordinate system; with z-axis facing forward (away) from user.
class CameraPose(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("camera_to_world_matrix", Matrix4f32),
def __init__(self, camera_to_world_matrix: Matrix4f32 = None):
Config for resampling using a Catmull-Rom spline.
- output_interval_us - The output rate of interpolated samples. Output rate = 1 / output interval. Interval is given in microseconds (µs)
- single_eye_resampling - Allow to resample just one eye if there is not enough data for both eyes.
class CatmullRomResamplingConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("output_interval_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("single_eye_resampling", ctypes.c_bool),
def __init__(self, output_interval_us: int = None, single_eye_resampling: bool = None):
A complex number in Cartesian form.
- re - Real portion of the complex number
- im - Imaginary portion of the complex number
class Complexf32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("re", ctypes.c_float),
("im", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, re: float = None, im: float = None):
Configuration for the dispersion angle filter.
- max_angle_for_fixations_deg - How close subsequent gaze direction vectors have to be to detect a fixation.
- min_duration_for_fixation_us - How long gaze has to be within a certain direction to consider it a fixation. Duration is given in microseconds (µs)
- max_outliers - Maximum number of outliers allowed before a fixation is aborted.
class DispersionAnglesFilterConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("max_angle_for_fixations_deg", ctypes.c_float),
("min_duration_for_fixation_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("max_outliers", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, max_angle_for_fixations_deg: float = None, min_duration_for_fixation_us: int = None, max_outliers: int = None):
Entrance pupil data.
- left - Left eye data.
- right - Right eye data.
class EntrancePupilData(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", Vector3f32),
("right", Vector3f32),
def __init__(self, left: Vector3f32 = None, right: Vector3f32 = None):
Output for left and right eye produced by a fixation filter.
- is_fixation_left - Whether a fixation was detected for the left eye. A value of none means that there was insufficient data to determine if a fixation happened.
- is_fixation_right - Whether a fixation was detected for the right eye. A value of none means that there was insufficient data to determine if a fixation happened.
class FixationOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("is_fixation_left", Optionbool),
("is_fixation_right", Optionbool),
def __init__(self, is_fixation_left: Optionbool = None, is_fixation_right: Optionbool = None):
The configuration for the invalidate eyes filter.
- eye - Which eye(s) to invalidate.
class InvalidateEyeConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("eye", ctypes.c_int),
def __init__(self, eye: ctypes.c_int = None):
Configuration for the invalidate near blink filter.
- before_us - Inclusive time before blink to invalidate data.
- after_us - Inclusive time after blink to invalidate data.
- min_blink_duration_us - Inclusive minimum time for a blink.
class InvalidateNearBlinkConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("before_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("after_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("min_blink_duration_us", ctypes.c_int64),
def __init__(self, before_us: int = None, after_us: int = None, min_blink_duration_us: int = None):
Configuration for the Lam Thompson Corbett 1987 filter.
- loewenfeld_criterion_mm - The Loewenfeld criterion to use, minimum difference in
to consider for anisocoria. - ltc_criterion_ratio - The Lam, Thompson & Corbett criterion to use, minimum difference in relative area to consider for anisocoria.
class LamThompsonCorbett1987FilterConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("loewenfeld_criterion_mm", ctypes.c_float),
("ltc_criterion_ratio", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, loewenfeld_criterion_mm: float = None, ltc_criterion_ratio: float = None):
A single message recorded by our library.
- level - The level of the message.
- message - ASCII encoded actual message.
- file - Our source file where this message originated from.
- line - Line number where this message originated from.
class LogMessage(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("level", ctypes.c_int),
("message", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)),
("file", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)),
("line", ctypes.c_uint32),
def __init__(self, level: ctypes.c_int = None, message: str = None, file: str = None, line: int = None):
Configures how logging should be handled.
- log_level - The minimal log level to log.
- max_log_wait_ms - When initializing the logger, with a previous logger present, how long shall we try to wait replacing the previous logger if it is locked.
class LoggerConfiguration(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("log_level", ctypes.c_int),
("max_log_wait_ms", ctypes.c_uint32),
def __init__(self, log_level: ctypes.c_int = None, max_log_wait_ms: int = None):
A 4x4 transformation matrix.
- m - Array member elements in column major order.
class Matrix4f32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("m", ctypes.c_float * 16),
def __init__(self, m = None):
Value indicating blink or near blink.
- left - Value indicating if the left eye is a blink or near blink.
- right - Value indicating if the right eye is a blink or near blink.
class NearBlinkOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", ctypes.c_bool),
("right", ctypes.c_bool),
def __init__(self, left: bool = None, right: bool = None):
Configuration for noise filter.
- seed - The seed to use for predictable results. If set to
a random seed will be generated instead. - mean_origin - The mean of the normal distribution for the origin of the ray.
- mean_direction - The mean of the normal distribution for the direction of the ray.
- std_dev_origin - The standard deviation of the normal distribution for the origin of the ray. Recommended value is 0.02
- std_dev_direction - The standard deviation of the normal distribution for the direction of the ray. Recommended value is 0.05
class NoiseConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("seed", ctypes.c_uint64),
("mean_origin", ctypes.c_float),
("mean_direction", ctypes.c_float),
("std_dev_origin", ctypes.c_float),
("std_dev_direction", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, seed: int = None, mean_origin: float = None, mean_direction: float = None, std_dev_origin: float = None, std_dev_direction: float = None):
A point in 2D space.
- x - x component.
- y - y component.
class Point2f32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("x", ctypes.c_float),
("y", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, x: float = None, y: float = None):
A point in 3D space.
- x - x component.
- y - y component.
- z - z component.
class Point3f32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("x", ctypes.c_float),
("y", ctypes.c_float),
("z", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None):
The 2D position of the eyes in the headset.
- left - X and Y position of left eye.
- right - X and Y position of right eye.
class PositionGuide(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", Point2f32),
("right", Point2f32),
def __init__(self, left: Point2f32 = None, right: Point2f32 = None):
Output for Lam Thompson Corbett pupil filter.
- difference_mm - The observed size difference in mm. A value of none means that the value couldn’t be calculated due to one or both eyes not having valid data.
- loewenfeld_anisocoria - Was a pupillary inequality of at least “loewenfeld criterion” mm observed? A value of none means that the value couldn’t be calculated due to one or both eyes not having valid data.
- ltc_anisocoria - Was an inequality of “ltc criterion ratio” % surface area observed? A value of none means that the value couldn’t be calculated due to one or both eyes not having valid data.
- left - Left eye. A value of none means that the value couldn’t be calculated due to one or both eyes not having valid data.
- right - Right eye. A value of none means that the value couldn’t be calculated due to one or both eyes not having valid data.
class PupilOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("difference_mm", Optionf32),
("loewenfeld_anisocoria", Optionbool),
("ltc_anisocoria", Optionbool),
("left", OptionPupilPerEye),
("right", OptionPupilPerEye),
def __init__(self, difference_mm: Optionf32 = None, loewenfeld_anisocoria: Optionbool = None, ltc_anisocoria: Optionbool = None, left: OptionPupilPerEye = None, right: OptionPupilPerEye = None):
Per eye data for pupil filter output.
- pupil_area_mm2 - Computed pupil area.
class PupilPerEye(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("pupil_area_mm2", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, pupil_area_mm2: float = None):
Pupil diameter in millimeters for both eyes.
- left - Left eye pupil diameter.
- right - Right eye pupil diameter.
class PupilSizeAbsolute(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", PupilSizePerEye),
("right", PupilSizePerEye),
def __init__(self, left: PupilSizePerEye = None, right: PupilSizePerEye = None):
Pupil diameter for the eye
- size_mm - Pupil diameter in millimeters for the eye.
class PupilSizePerEye(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("size_mm", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, size_mm: float = None):
A ray with an origin and direction.
- origin - Origin of the ray.
- direction - Direction of the ray.
class Rayf32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("origin", Point3f32),
("direction", Vector3f32),
def __init__(self, origin: Point3f32 = None, direction: Vector3f32 = None):
Output for left and right eye produced by a saccade filter.
- is_saccade_left - Whether a saccade was detected on left eye data. A value of none means that there was insufficient data to determine if a saccade happened.
- is_saccade_right - Whether a saccade was detected on right eye data. A value of none means that there was insufficient data to determine if a saccade happened.
class SaccadeOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("is_saccade_left", Optionbool),
("is_saccade_right", Optionbool),
def __init__(self, is_saccade_left: Optionbool = None, is_saccade_right: Optionbool = None):
Config for smoothing using fitted Savitzky Golay polynomial functions.
- polynomial_degree - The order of the polynomial function to fit in the window.
- half_window_size - The number of additional samples on either side of the target sample to use when fitting a polynomial curve.
Total window size = 2 * half_window_size + 1
and it must be greater than thepolynomial_degree
. - smooth_gaze - Select what part of the eye tracking data to smooth: gaze direction, origin or both
class SavitzkyGolaySmoothingConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("polynomial_degree", ctypes.c_uint64),
("half_window_size", ctypes.c_uint64),
("smooth_gaze", ctypes.c_int),
def __init__(self, polynomial_degree: int = None, half_window_size: int = None, smooth_gaze: ctypes.c_int = None):
Configuration for the Smeets Hooge filter.
- lower_threshold_deg_per_sec - The velocity threshold for detecting a saccade.
- fixation_sigma_threshold - How many standard deviations from mean fixation velocity to detect onset and offset of a saccade
- fixation_velocity_window_start_us - The time before the saccade peak to start calculating average fixation velocity. Duration is given in microseconds (µs)
- fixation_velocity_window_size_us - The size of the window used to compute the average velocity of the fixation preceding the saccade. Duration is given in microseconds (µs)
- fixation_velocity_minimum_deg_per_sec - The minimal velocity to use as threshold for detecting onset and offset of saccades. Low noise in the preceding fixation can result in a low threshold for the saccade offset, preventing its detection. This setting safeguards against such effects by ensuring a minimum threshold.
- early_peak_limit - If the velocity peak appears before this normalized time within the saccade, the saccade is discarded.
- late_peak_limit - If the velocity peak appears after this normalized time within the saccade, the saccade is discarded.
class SmeetsHoogeFilterConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("lower_threshold_deg_per_sec", ctypes.c_float),
("fixation_sigma_threshold", ctypes.c_float),
("fixation_velocity_window_start_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("fixation_velocity_window_size_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("fixation_velocity_minimum_deg_per_sec", ctypes.c_float),
("early_peak_limit", ctypes.c_float),
("late_peak_limit", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, lower_threshold_deg_per_sec: float = None, fixation_sigma_threshold: float = None, fixation_velocity_window_start_us: int = None, fixation_velocity_window_size_us: int = None, fixation_velocity_minimum_deg_per_sec: float = None, early_peak_limit: float = None, late_peak_limit: float = None):
Output for Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities per eye
- fft_magnitude_local_angular_speed - Magnitude for frequency components for local angular speed.
- fft_local_angular_speed - Frequency components for local angular speed.
class SpectralRFFIPerEye(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("fft_magnitude_local_angular_speed", ctypes.c_float * 32),
("fft_local_angular_speed", Complexf32 * 32),
def __init__(self, fft_magnitude_local_angular_speed = None, fft_local_angular_speed = None):
Output for Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities with extended window per eye
- fft_magnitude_local_angular_speed - Magnitude for frequency components for local angular speed.
- fft_local_angular_speed - Frequency components for local angular speed.
class SpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("fft_magnitude_local_angular_speed", ctypes.c_float * 256),
("fft_local_angular_speed", Complexf32 * 256),
def __init__(self, fft_magnitude_local_angular_speed = None, fft_local_angular_speed = None):
Config for computing the Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities (STFT)
- handle_missing_strategy - How to treat invalid data. Specific values can be provided in handle missing value field.
- handle_missing_value - Value to use when handle missing strategy is ‘Value’. Ignore this if you’re using any other than ‘Value’ handle missing strategy.
- windowing - The window function to use. By applying a window function, you can reduce spectral leakage, improve frequency resolution, and obtain a more accurate representation of the signal’s frequency. However, there is often a trade-off between frequency resolution and time resolution, so choosing the right window function and length depends on the specific needs.
- stft_length - How many samples to include in the window, values must be powers of 2: [2, 4, 8, …, 256]). A longer window provides better frequency resolution but sacrifices time resolution, a shorter window offers better time resolution but reduces frequency resolution. Consider the properties of your signal and experiment with different window lengths to determine the best choice for your specific application.
- sample_rate - Sample rate of the velocities array provided as input for the STFT.
- scaling - Scaling for the results of the STFT with windowing functions. Scaling will be applied only when you’re using a windowing function and the result will be scaled with sqrt(1/(sum of applied window Hann/Hamming/Blackman)^2) Spectrum scaling can help you better understand the relative importance of different frequency components in your signal.
- subtract_averages - Subtract averages for each window before performing RFFT. If velocity signal has an average different from zero, it contains a DC offset that can cause discontinuities at the edges when the signal is assumed to be periodic, which leads to spectral leakage. By subtracting the average we are removing the DC offset, ensuring that the periodic assumption holds. This leads to a cleaner and more accurate representation of the frequency content of the signal.
class SpectralSTFTConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("handle_missing_strategy", ctypes.c_int),
("handle_missing_value", ctypes.c_float),
("windowing", ctypes.c_int),
("stft_length", ctypes.c_uint64),
("sample_rate", ctypes.c_float),
("scaling", ctypes.c_int),
("subtract_averages", ctypes.c_bool),
def __init__(self, handle_missing_strategy: ctypes.c_int = None, handle_missing_value: float = None, windowing: ctypes.c_int = None, stft_length: int = None, sample_rate: float = None, scaling: ctypes.c_int = None, subtract_averages: bool = None):
Output for Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities
- left - Left eye data.
- right - Right eye data.
class SpectralSTFTOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", OptionSpectralRFFIPerEye),
("right", OptionSpectralRFFIPerEye),
def __init__(self, left: OptionSpectralRFFIPerEye = None, right: OptionSpectralRFFIPerEye = None):
Output for Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities with extended window
- left - Left eye data.
- right - Right eye data.
class SpectralSTFTOutputExtended(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", OptionSpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended),
("right", OptionSpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended),
def __init__(self, left: OptionSpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended = None, right: OptionSpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended = None):
Configuration for the Tobii I-VT filter.
- detect_fixation_if_angle_speed_below_deg_per_sec - Threshold at which fixation won’t be detected anymore. The recommended value is 30°/s, the value is selected to be sufficient for recordings with various levels of noise. However, modifications to this setting might be necessary for recordings and projects with very noisy data.
- discard_fixations_below_us - Fixations with a duration below this threshold will be discarded. Duration is given in microseconds (µs)
- merge_adjacent_when_gap_below_us - Fixations separated by at most this interval that fulfill the angle threshold can be merged into one. Duration is given in microseconds (µs)
- merge_adjacent_when_angle_below_deg - Fixations with angular differences below this angle that fulfill the time gap threshold can be merged into one.
- gap_fill_in_interpolation_duration_below_us - Missing data gaps with duration below will be filled-in with interpolation data. This value should be chosen to not fill in blinks and other gaps caused by the participant or researcher. If set to 0 fill-in interpolation is disabled Duration is given in microseconds (µs)
class TobiiIVTFilterConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("detect_fixation_if_angle_speed_below_deg_per_sec", ctypes.c_float),
("discard_fixations_below_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("merge_adjacent_when_gap_below_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("merge_adjacent_when_angle_below_deg", ctypes.c_float),
("gap_fill_in_interpolation_duration_below_us", ctypes.c_int64),
def __init__(self, detect_fixation_if_angle_speed_below_deg_per_sec: float = None, discard_fixations_below_us: int = None, merge_adjacent_when_gap_below_us: int = None, merge_adjacent_when_angle_below_deg: float = None, gap_fill_in_interpolation_duration_below_us: int = None):
A 3-dimensional vector.
- x - x component.
- y - y component.
- z - z component.
class Vector3f32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("x", ctypes.c_float),
("y", ctypes.c_float),
("z", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None):
Output for left and right eye produced by velocity filters.
- left - Velocity output for left eye. A value of none means that there was insufficient data to calculate velocity.
- right - Velocity output for right eye. A value of none means that there was insufficient data to calculate velocity.
class VelocityOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", OptionVelocityPerEye),
("right", OptionVelocityPerEye),
def __init__(self, left: OptionVelocityPerEye = None, right: OptionVelocityPerEye = None):
Per eye data of velocity filter output.
- gaze_direction - Direction vector of gaze ray.
- velocity_direction - Velocity direction vector of gaze ray.
- local_angular_speed_deg - Shortest path (3D angle) instantaneous speed, degrees per second.
class VelocityPerEye(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("gaze_direction", Vector3f32),
("velocity_direction", Vector3f32),
("local_angular_speed_deg", ctypes.c_float),
def __init__(self, gaze_direction: Vector3f32 = None, velocity_direction: Vector3f32 = None, local_angular_speed_deg: float = None):
Configuration for the windowed angular gaze velocities using indices for the window definition. Each output velocity is aggregated based on all neighboring pairs of velocities for elements between the given, relative time indices.
- index_before - Index difference for the window start before currently calculated value. This value must be specified as a negative index relative to current value.
- index_after - Index difference for the window end after currently calculated value. This value must be specified as a positive index relative to current value.
- aggregation - The aggregation type for deltas within the window.
class VelocityWindowedIndicesConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("index_before", ctypes.c_int64),
("index_after", ctypes.c_int64),
("aggregation", ctypes.c_int),
def __init__(self, index_before: int = None, index_after: int = None, aggregation: ctypes.c_int = None):
Configuration for the windowed angular gaze velocities using times for the window definition. Each output velocity is aggregated based on all neighboring pairs of velocities for elements between the given, relative time stamps
- time_before_us - Time when the window starts before currently calculated value. This value must be specified as a negative duration in microseconds (µs).
- time_after_us - Time when the window ends after currently calculated value. This value must be specified as a positive duration in microseconds (µs).
- aggregation - The aggregation type for calculating values within the window.
class VelocityWindowedTimesConfig(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("time_before_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("time_after_us", ctypes.c_int64),
("aggregation", ctypes.c_int),
def __init__(self, time_before_us: int = None, time_after_us: int = None, aggregation: ctypes.c_int = None):
Output from the verify delta filter.
- count - Count of elements in time sequence that are outside of the threshold.
- first_found_time_us - Timestamp in microseconds (µs) of the first element found outside of the threshold.
class VerifyDeltaOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("count", ctypes.c_int64),
("first_found_time_us", Optioni64),
def __init__(self, count: int = None, first_found_time_us: Optioni64 = None):
Encodes a version number for our products, like 2.0.1
- major - Major component, e.g.
. - minor - Minor component, e.g.
. - patch - Patch component, e.g.
. - build - Build ID.
class Version(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("major", ctypes.c_uint8),
("minor", ctypes.c_uint8),
("patch", ctypes.c_uint8),
("build", ctypes.c_int64),
def __init__(self, major: int = None, minor: int = None, patch: int = None, build: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class SliceBinocularGaze(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(BinocularGaze)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(BinocularGaze) = None, len: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class SliceBlinkState(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(BlinkState)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(BlinkState) = None, len: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class SliceCameraPose(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(CameraPose)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(CameraPose) = None, len: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class SliceEntrancePupilData(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(EntrancePupilData)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(EntrancePupilData) = None, len: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class SliceFixationOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(FixationOutput)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(FixationOutput) = None, len: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class SlicePositionGuide(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(PositionGuide)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(PositionGuide) = None, len: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class SlicePupilSizeAbsolute(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(PupilSizeAbsolute)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(PupilSizeAbsolute) = None, len: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class SliceVelocityOutput(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(VelocityOutput)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(VelocityOutput) = None, len: int = None):
A pointer to an array of data someone else owns which may not be modified.
- data - Pointer to start of immutable data.
- len - Number of elements.
class Slicei64(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("data", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64)),
("len", ctypes.c_uint64),
def __init__(self, data: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64) = None, len: int = None):
Option type containing boolean flag and maybe valid data.
- t - Element that is maybe valid.
- is_some - Byte where
means elementt
is valid.
class OptionPupilPerEye(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("t", PupilPerEye),
("is_some", ctypes.c_uint8),
def __init__(self, t: PupilPerEye = None, is_some: int = None):
Option type containing boolean flag and maybe valid data.
- t - Element that is maybe valid.
- is_some - Byte where
means elementt
is valid.
class OptionSpectralRFFIPerEye(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("t", SpectralRFFIPerEye),
("is_some", ctypes.c_uint8),
def __init__(self, t: SpectralRFFIPerEye = None, is_some: int = None):
Option type containing boolean flag and maybe valid data.
- t - Element that is maybe valid.
- is_some - Byte where
means elementt
is valid.
class OptionSpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("t", SpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended),
("is_some", ctypes.c_uint8),
def __init__(self, t: SpectralRFFIPerEyeExtended = None, is_some: int = None):
Option type containing boolean flag and maybe valid data.
- t - Element that is maybe valid.
- is_some - Byte where
means elementt
is valid.
class OptionVelocityPerEye(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("t", VelocityPerEye),
("is_some", ctypes.c_uint8),
def __init__(self, t: VelocityPerEye = None, is_some: int = None):
Option type containing boolean flag and maybe valid data.
- t - Element that is maybe valid.
- is_some - Byte where
means elementt
is valid.
class Optionbool(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("t", ctypes.c_bool),
("is_some", ctypes.c_uint8),
def __init__(self, t: bool = None, is_some: int = None):
Option type containing boolean flag and maybe valid data.
- t - Element that is maybe valid.
- is_some - Byte where
means elementt
is valid.
class Optionf32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("t", ctypes.c_float),
("is_some", ctypes.c_uint8),
def __init__(self, t: float = None, is_some: int = None):
Option type containing boolean flag and maybe valid data.
- t - Element that is maybe valid.
- is_some - Byte where
means elementt
is valid.
class Optioni64(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("t", ctypes.c_int64),
("is_some", ctypes.c_uint8),
def __init__(self, t: int = None, is_some: int = None):
Aggregation type for calculating values within a window.
- Average -
- Median -
- Max -
- Min -
- AbsAverage -
- AbsMax -
- AbsMin -
class Aggregation:
Average = 0
Median = 1
Max = 2
Min = 3
AbsAverage = 4
AbsMax = 5
AbsMin = 6
Describes the openness of an eye in discrete steps. What exactly constitues and open or closed eye is hardware specific.
- Invalid - Eye state was invalid, e.g., could not be measured.
- Open - Eye is open.
- Closed - Eye is closed.
class BlinkStatePerEye:
Invalid = 0
Open = 1
Closed = 2
Which eye(s) to invalidate.
- Left -
- Right -
- Both -
class Eye:
Left = 0
Right = 1
Both = 2
Error type returned from filter functions.
- Ok - The function executed successfully.
- LengthMismatch - Parameters of different lengths were passed to the function.
- InvalidConfig - The configuration passed to the function is invalid.
- InternalError - The function encountered an internal error.
- InvalidTimeSequence - The time passed to the data contains an invalid sequence (e.g. not monotonic)
- NotEnoughData - Not enough data for the function to process.
- InvalidInputData - Invalid input data was passed to the function.
class FilterError:
Ok = 0
LengthMismatch = 1
InvalidConfig = 2
InternalError = 3
InvalidTimeSequence = 4
NotEnoughData = 5
InvalidInputData = 6
Log level for Ocumen functions.
- Off -
- Error -
- Warn -
- Info -
- Debug -
- Trace -
class LogLevel:
Off = 0
Error = 1
Warn = 2
Info = 3
Debug = 4
Trace = 5
How to treat invalid data. Specific values can be provided in handle missing value field.
- Value - Provide specific value to use when handling missing value field.
- Average - Use window average to replace missing values.
class MissingValueStrategy:
Value = 0
Average = 1
Method used when resampling data.
- TakeNearest - Takes the nearest value in time, or the one after if two identical.
- TakeNearestBefore - Takes the nearest previous value.
- TakeNearestAfter - Takes the nearest next value.
- Interpolate - Interpolates previous and next value.
class ResampleMethod:
TakeNearest = 0
TakeNearestBefore = 1
TakeNearestAfter = 2
Interpolate = 3
Scaling for the results of the STFT with windowing functions.
- NoScaling - No scaling will be applied.
- Spectrum - ‘Spectrum’ scaling allows results to be interpreted as a magnitude spectrum. The results are scaled to sqrt(1/(sum of applied window Hann/Hamming/Blackman)^2)
class Scaling:
NoScaling = 0
Spectrum = 1
Which component of the gaze ray to apply smoothing to.
- Direction - Applies smoothing only to direction.
- Origin - Applies smoothing only to origin.
- Both - Applies smoothing to both origin and direction.
class SmoothGazeData:
Direction = 0
Origin = 1
Both = 2
Windowing function to use for STFT calculation.
- NoFunction - No windowing function will be used
- Hann - Hann windowing function
- Hamming - Hamming windowing function
- Blackman - Blackman windowing function
class WindowingFunction:
NoFunction = 0
Hann = 1
Hamming = 2
Blackman = 3
Returns an Ocumen Filters version.
def get_version() -> Version:
Initializes logging.
If you want log messages this should be called exactly once, as early as possible. Otherwise log messages inside the library will not be recorded.
def init_logging(config: LoggerConfiguration):
Process all outstanding log messages.
The provided callback will be invoked with all outstanding log messages that have occurred since the last invocation.
def process_log_messages(f):
Instantaneous Angular Gaze Velocities
Computes instantaneous angular gaze velocities.
The velocities are calculated to be the deltas between two adjacent frames. All angles are reported relative to the user’s ’nose vector'.
The function takes three arrays of matching timestamps, gaze and output. All arrays are required to be the same size. This function must not be used on data with non-monotonic time stamps. The result is written into the output array.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
def velocity_instantaneous(times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], gaze: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], output: SliceMutVelocityOutput | ctypes.Array[VelocityOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Windowed angular gaze velocities (index-based)
Computes index-based windowed angular gaze velocities.
This filter computes relative velocities for-and-between a series of eye tracking samples. Each output velocity is aggregated based on all neighboring pairs of velocities for elements between the given, relative indices
The function takes three arrays of matching timestamps, gaze and output. All arrays are required to be the same size. This function must not be used on data with non-monotonic time stamps. The result is written into the output array.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “aggregation” - Average
- “index after” - 0
- “index before” - -1
def velocity_windowed_indices(config: VelocityWindowedIndicesConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], gaze: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], output: SliceMutVelocityOutput | ctypes.Array[VelocityOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Windowed angular gaze velocities (time-based)
Computes time-based windowed angular gaze velocities.
This filter computes relative velocities for-and-between a series of eye tracking samples. Each output velocity is aggregated based on all neighboring pairs of velocities for elements between the given, relative time stamps
The function takes three arrays of matching timestamps, gaze and output. All arrays are required to be the same size. This function must not be used on data with non-monotonic time stamps. The result is written into the output array.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “aggregation” - Average
- “time after” - 20000 µs
- “time before” - -20000 µs
def velocity_windowed_times(config: VelocityWindowedTimesConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], gaze: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], output: SliceMutVelocityOutput | ctypes.Array[VelocityOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Saccade Smeets Hooge
Detects saccades, including onset and offset.
The algorithm uses absolute velocity for thresholding onset and offset of saccades and is therefore sensitive to glissades. Using a non up-sampled resolution of eye tracking data will impact accuracy of the onset and offset time of saccades.
The option to consider a direction change to signal the offset of a saccade is not part of the paper and was introduced to try to remedy this algorithms sensitivity to glissades.
The function takes a configuration for the filter, and three arrays of matching timestamps, velocities and output. All arrays are required to be the same size. This filter must not be used on data with non-monotonic time stamps. The output is written into the output array.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “early peak limit” - 0.25
- “fixation sigma threshold” - 3.0
- “fixation velocity minimum” - 5.0 deg/s
- “fixation velocity window size” - 100000 µs
- “fixation velocity window start” - 200000 µs
- “late peak limit” - 0.75
- “lower threshold” - 75.0 deg/s
Smeets and Hooge. Nature of Variability in Saccades. J Neurophysiol 90: 12-20, 2003.
def saccade_smeets_hooge(config: SmeetsHoogeFilterConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], velocities: SliceVelocityOutput | ctypes.Array[VelocityOutput], output: SliceMutSaccadeOutput | ctypes.Array[SaccadeOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Saccade Non-Fixation
A simple detector that classifies everything a saccade that is not a fixation. Internally the filter invokes the given fixation filter and marks all outputs a saccade that were not marked as a fixation. This algorithm was sometimes used in slow desktop eye tracking systems, but unless you have a very special setting, you should probably not use this filter since there are many reasons why a non-fixation is not a saccade.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
def saccade_non_fixation(fixations: SliceFixationOutput | ctypes.Array[FixationOutput], output: SliceMutSaccadeOutput | ctypes.Array[SaccadeOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Saccade Simple
Simple filter to compute saccades. This filter will always point to the fastest, and simplest, unspecified saccade filter available. Although no guarantees are made, this filter should give a good out-of-the-box performance if you are only interested in “detecting saccades”. We only recommend to use this filter in cases where you do not need to control which algorithm runs, and if you are fine with changing behavior between versions.
This filter must not be used on data with non-monotonic time stamps.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
def saccade_simple(times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], gaze: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], output: SliceMutSaccadeOutput | ctypes.Array[SaccadeOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Fixation Dispersion Angles
A white-label dispersion detector checking if gaze data is within certain thresholds.
This filter has a good balance between computational performance and accuracy and is suited for situations where eye tracking quality is good, and your primary concern is detecting periods of relative stillness. However, in situations where slow smooth pursuits dominate this filter may not produce optimal results.
The function takes a configuration for the filter, and three arrays of matching timestamps, velocities and output. The result is written into the output array. All arrays are required to be the same size.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
- The output at position
reflects the interval between fused datai-1
Recommended Configuration
- “max angle for fixations” - 3.0°
- “max outliers” - 1
- “min duration for fixation” - 100000 µs
Holmqvist, K, Nyström, M, Andersson, R, Dewhurst, R, Halszka, J & van de Weijer, J 2011, Eye Tracking : A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford University Press.
def fixation_dispersion_angles(config: DispersionAnglesFilterConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], velocities: SliceVelocityOutput | ctypes.Array[VelocityOutput], output: SliceMutFixationOutput | ctypes.Array[FixationOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Fixation Tobii IVT
Fixation classification filter based on the Tobii Velocity-Threshold Identification (I-VT) algorithm. The filter classifies eye movements based on the velocity of the directional shifts of the eye. If it is below a certain threshold the sample for which the velocity is calculated is classified as a part of a fixation. There is, in this filter, no distinction between fixations and smooth pursuit. Depending on the set velocity threshold, smooth pursuits are either classified as none-fixations or fixations.
The Tobii I-VT filter is suited for situations where eye tracking quality is good, and your primary concern is detecting periods in which the eye does not move.
The function takes a configuration for the filter, and three arrays of matching timestamps, gaze, velocities and output. All arrays are required to be the same size. This filter must not be used on data with non-monotonic time stamps. The result is written into the output array.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “detect fixation if angle speed below” - 30.0 deg/s
- “discard fixations below” - 100000 µs
- “gap fill in interpolation duration below” - 75000 µs
- “merge adjacent when angle below” - 3.0°
- “merge adjacent when gap below” - 100000 µs
Olsen, Anneli. The Tobii I-VT fixation filter. Tobii Technology (2012): 1-21.
def fixation_tobii_ivt(config: TobiiIVTFilterConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], velocities: SliceVelocityOutput | ctypes.Array[VelocityOutput], output: SliceMutFixationOutput | ctypes.Array[FixationOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Fixation Simple
Simple filter to compute fixations. This filter will always point to the fastest, and simplest, unspecified fixation filter available. Although no guarantees are made, this filter should give a good out-of-the-box performance if you are only interested in “detecting fixations”. We only recommend to use this filter in cases where you do not need to control which algorithm runs, and if you are fine with changing behavior between versions.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
- The output at position
reflects the interval between fused datai-1
def fixation_simple(times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], gaze: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], output: SliceMutFixationOutput | ctypes.Array[FixationOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Pupil Lam Thompson Corbett 1987
Computes the size difference between pupils and related metrics.
The function takes a configuration for the filter, and an array of pupil sizes. The output is written into the output array. Both arrays are required to be the same size.
- The output at position
reflects the fused measurementi
. - This filter may be applied to unsorted data.
Recommended Configuration
- “loewenfeld criterion” - 0.4 mm
- “ltc criterion ratio” - 0.15
Lam, B. L., Thompson, H. S., & Corbett, J. J. (1987). The Prevalence of Simple Anisocoria. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 104(1), 69–73.
def pupil_lam_thompson_corbett_1987(config: LamThompsonCorbett1987FilterConfig, pupil_size: SlicePupilSizeAbsolute | ctypes.Array[PupilSizeAbsolute], output: SliceMutPupilOutput | ctypes.Array[PupilOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Short-time Fourier transform
Compute the Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities (STFT).
The data is be broken up into chunks or frames of stft_length
which overlap each other.
Each chunk is Fourier transformed, and the complex result is added to a matrix,
which records complex result and power magnitude for each point in time and frequency.
The window size (stft_length) for this function ranges from 2 to 64. If you want to use a larger window, please use the spectral_stft_velocity_extended function.
The returned frequency component i
depends on the sampling rate and stft_length
and will
also be returned. It can be estimated by freq[i] = i * sample_rate / stft_length
Use resampling to make sure that the input velocity is sampled with sample rate specified in config.
- The output at position
has special meaning.
Smith, S. (2002). Digital signal processing. London: Newnes. ISBN: 075067444X. 10.1016/B978-0-7506-7444-7.X5036-5
def spectral_stft_velocity(config: SpectralSTFTConfig, velocities: SliceVelocityOutput | ctypes.Array[VelocityOutput], output: SliceMutSpectralSTFTOutput | ctypes.Array[SpectralSTFTOutput], output_frequencies: SliceMutf32 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_float]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Short-time Fourier transform (extended)
Compute the Short-time Fourier transform for the gaze local velocities (STFT) with extended window sizes.
The data is be broken up into chunks or frames of stft_length
which overlap each other.
Each chunk is Fourier transformed, and the complex result is added to a matrix,
which records complex result and power magnitude for each point in time and frequency.
The window size (stft_length) for this function ranges from 128 to 512. Please note that using this function requires more memory, and we recommend only running it on machines with a high amount of RAM. If you want to use a smaller window, please use the spectral_stft_velocity function.
The returned frequency component i
depends on the sampling rate and stft_length
and will
also be returned. It can be estimated by freq[i] = i * sample_rate / stft_length
Use resampling to make sure that the input velocity is sampled with sample rate specified in config.
- The output at position
has special meaning.
Smith, S. (2002). Digital signal processing. London: Newnes. ISBN: 075067444X. 10.1016/B978-0-7506-7444-7.X5036-5
def spectral_stft_velocity_extended(config: SpectralSTFTConfig, velocities: SliceVelocityOutput | ctypes.Array[VelocityOutput], output: SliceMutSpectralSTFTOutputExtended | ctypes.Array[SpectralSTFTOutputExtended], output_frequencies: SliceMutf32 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_float]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Add Noise
Adds normally distributed noise to eye tracking gaze data.
This filter is useful for testing purposes to stress algorithms and computations under less-than-ideal conditions.
The function takes array of gaze data and configuration. The result is written directly into the gaze data array.
- This filter may be applied to unsorted data.
Recommended Configuration
- “mean direction” - 0.0
- “mean origin” - 0.0
- “seed” - 0
- “std dev direction” - 0.05
- “std dev origin” - 0.02
def add_noise(config: NoiseConfig, data: SliceMutBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Time Shift
Shifts time by a supplied duration.
The function takes in an array of times and a duration which the array will be shifted by.
- This filter may be applied to unsorted data.
def time_shift(times: SliceMuti64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], duration_us: int) -> ctypes.c_int:
Verify Delta Above
Checks whether all data has a time delta above a supplied duration.
The function takes in an array of times, as well as a duration in microseconds (µs) and writes the result in the last parameter.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
def verify_delta_above(times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], duration_us: int, output: ctypes.POINTER(VerifyDeltaOutput)) -> ctypes.c_int:
Verify Delta Below
Checks whether all data has a time delta below a supplied duration.
The function takes in an array of times, as well as a duration in microseconds (µs) and writes the result in the last parameter.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
def verify_delta_below(times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], duration_us: int, output: ctypes.POINTER(VerifyDeltaOutput)) -> ctypes.c_int:
Force Increasing Timestamp
Enforces that all timestamps are strictly increasing.
If non-strictly monotonic timestamps are found their value will be forced to be monotonic. This is done by setting them to a value larger than the previous timestamp, based on the given minimum delta parameter. Fails the pipeline if the time between two adjacent samples is lower than the given threshold.
This stage can be used if sensor data fails to time sync properly but is known to be ordered. In that case new time stamps are forced onto the data so subsequent stages (e.g., fusion) can still attempt to merge the data sensibly.
The function takes array of timestamps, delta parameter in microseconds (µs) and output array for rearranged timestamps. The result is written into the output timestamps array.
def force_increasing_timestamp(times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], min_delta_us: int, output: SliceMuti64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Sort By Time
Sorts data by timestamp in ascending order.
The function takes a pointer to the data, the length of the data, the size of each element in the data, and a array of timestamps.
The provided pointer is assumed to be a pointer where each element is of the provided size. The provided array of timestamps must be to be the same length of the data array.
Both the data and the timestamps are modified in place.
- This filter may be applied to unsorted data.
def sort_data_by_timestamp(data_ptr: ctypes.c_void_p, data_len: int, data_elem_size: int, timestamps: SliceMuti64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Resample Binocular Gaze
Resamples binocular gaze data given a method and target times.
The data from the time and gaze arrays will be resampled to match the target times array in accordance with the supplied method. The resulting data will be written into the output array.
def resample_binocular_gaze(method: ctypes.c_int, invalid_treshold: int, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], data: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], target_times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], output: SliceMutBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Resample Position Guide Data
Resample position guide data given a method and target times.
The data from the time and position guide array will be resampled to match the target times array in accordance with the supplied method. The resulting data will be written into the output array.
def resample_position_guide_data(method: ctypes.c_int, invalid_treshold: int, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], data: SlicePositionGuide | ctypes.Array[PositionGuide], target_times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], output: SliceMutPositionGuide | ctypes.Array[PositionGuide]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Resample Entrance Pupil Data
Resample entrance pupil data given a method and target times.
The data from the time and entrance pupils array will be resampled to match the target times array in accordance with the supplied method. The resulting data will be written into the output array.
def resample_entrance_pupil_data(method: ctypes.c_int, invalid_treshold: int, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], data: SliceEntrancePupilData | ctypes.Array[EntrancePupilData], target_times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], output: SliceMutEntrancePupilData | ctypes.Array[EntrancePupilData]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Resample Pupil Size Data
Resample pupil size data given a method and target times.
The data from the time and pupil size array will be resampled to match the target times array in accordance with the supplied method. The resulting data will be written into the output array.
def resample_pupil_size_absolute_data(method: ctypes.c_int, invalid_treshold: int, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], data: SlicePupilSizeAbsolute | ctypes.Array[PupilSizeAbsolute], target_times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], output: SliceMutPupilSizeAbsolute | ctypes.Array[PupilSizeAbsolute]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Transform Binocular Gaze
Transforms binocular gaze from the local eye tracker coordinate system to world space given a matching head pose.
To read more about coordinate systems and transformations, see https://developer.tobii.com/xr/learn/technical-information/coordinate-systems/ Keep in mind that the eye tracking data and head pose needs to be synced, since they may be temporally shifted, read more at https://developer.tobii.com/xr/learn/technical-information/time-synchronization/
def transform_binocular_gaze(gaze: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], head_pose: SliceCameraPose | ctypes.Array[CameraPose], output: SliceMutBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Detect Near Blink
Detects near blinks.
Eye tracking data around blinks can sometimes exhibit what can best be described as “dipping”, a measurement of vertical movement. Since this dipping behavior can interfere with some algorithms this filter allows you to invalidate eye tracking samples around blinks more aggressively so that dipping won’t be detected.
Using this function you can get an array of boolean values indicating blink or near blink for both eyes and apply it later on any data type you need.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “after” - 20000 µs
- “before” - 20000 µs
- “min blink duration” - 50000 µs
def detect_near_blinks(config: InvalidateNearBlinkConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], blinks: SliceBlinkState | ctypes.Array[BlinkState], output: SliceMutNearBlinkOutput | ctypes.Array[NearBlinkOutput]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Near Blink for Entrance Pupil Data
Invalidates entrance pupil data before and after a blink.
Eye tracking data around blinks can sometimes exhibit what can best be described as “dipping”, a measurement of vertical movement. Since this dipping behavior can interfere with some algorithms this filter allows you to invalidate eye tracking samples around blinks more aggressively so that dipping won’t be detected.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “after” - 20000 µs
- “before” - 20000 µs
- “min blink duration” - 50000 µs
def invalidate_near_blink_entrance_pupil(config: InvalidateNearBlinkConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], blinks: SliceBlinkState | ctypes.Array[BlinkState], data: SliceMutEntrancePupilData | ctypes.Array[EntrancePupilData]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Near Blink for Binocular Gaze
Invalidates binocular gaze data before and after a blink.
Eye tracking data around blinks can sometimes exhibit what can best be described as “dipping”, a measurement of vertical movement. Since this dipping behavior can interfere with some algorithms this filter allows you to invalidate eye tracking samples around blinks more aggressively so that dipping won’t be detected.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “after” - 20000 µs
- “before” - 20000 µs
- “min blink duration” - 50000 µs
def invalidate_near_blink_binocular_gaze(config: InvalidateNearBlinkConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], blinks: SliceBlinkState | ctypes.Array[BlinkState], data: SliceMutBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Near Blink for Pupil Size Data
Invalidates pupil size absolute data before and after a blink.
Eye tracking data around blinks can sometimes exhibit what can best be described as “dipping”, a measurement of vertical movement. Since this dipping behavior can interfere with some algorithms this filter allows you to invalidate eye tracking samples around blinks more aggressively so that dipping won’t be detected.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “after” - 20000 µs
- “before” - 20000 µs
- “min blink duration” - 50000 µs
def invalidate_near_blink_pupil_size_absolute(config: InvalidateNearBlinkConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], blinks: SliceBlinkState | ctypes.Array[BlinkState], data: SliceMutPupilSizeAbsolute | ctypes.Array[PupilSizeAbsolute]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Near Blink for Position Guide Data
Invalidates position guide data before and after a blink.
Eye tracking data around blinks can sometimes exhibit what can best be described as “dipping”, a measurement of vertical movement. Since this dipping behavior can interfere with some algorithms this filter allows you to invalidate eye tracking samples around blinks more aggressively so that dipping won’t be detected.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “after” - 20000 µs
- “before” - 20000 µs
- “min blink duration” - 50000 µs
def invalidate_near_blink_position_guide(config: InvalidateNearBlinkConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], blinks: SliceBlinkState | ctypes.Array[BlinkState], data: SliceMutPositionGuide | ctypes.Array[PositionGuide]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Blink State Data
Invalidates the blink state data by eye.
Recommended Configuration
- “eye” - Both
def invalidate_eye_for_blink_state(config: InvalidateEyeConfig, data: SliceMutBlinkState | ctypes.Array[BlinkState]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Entrance Pupil Data
Invalidates the entrance pupil data by eye.
Recommended Configuration
- “eye” - Both
def invalidate_eye_for_entrance_pupil(config: InvalidateEyeConfig, data: SliceMutEntrancePupilData | ctypes.Array[EntrancePupilData]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Gaze Data
Invalidates the gaze data by eye
Recommended Configuration
- “eye” - Both
def invalidate_eye_for_gaze(config: InvalidateEyeConfig, data: SliceMutBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Pupil Size Data
Invalidates the pupil size data by eye.
Recommended Configuration
- “eye” - Both
def invalidate_eye_for_pupil_size(config: InvalidateEyeConfig, data: SliceMutPupilSizeAbsolute | ctypes.Array[PupilSizeAbsolute]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Invalidate Position Guide Data
Invalidates the position guide data by eye.
Recommended Configuration
- “eye” - Both
def invalidate_eye_for_position_guide(config: InvalidateEyeConfig, data: SliceMutPositionGuide | ctypes.Array[PositionGuide]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Calculate Catmull-Rom Resampling length
Calculates count of the resampled items for Catmull-Rom resampling.
Recommended Configuration
- “output interval” - 4000 µs
- “single eye resampling” - false
def calculate_catmull_rom_resampling_length(time_start_us: int, time_end_us: int, config: CatmullRomResamplingConfig, output_length: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)) -> ctypes.c_int:
Catmull-Rom Resampling
Samples gaze angles by interpolation using a Catmull-Rom spline.
This processor will create a continuous Catmull-Rom spline over all samples and then sample the spline with the configured time interval.
The resulting data will have gaze angles interpolated.
Using this processor you can achieve higher resolution on eye tracking data and thereby getting higher precision on events produced by filters.
Since this processor will ignore invalid samples when creating the spline, it is highly recommended preceding this processor with a processor that handles invalid data.
The function takes in an array of times and corresponding gaze data, config and writes the result into output time array and output gaze parameters.
Make sure that the length of output parameters match resampled data length (end time - start time) / output interval + 1. You can use calculate resampling length function to get resampled data length.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “output interval” - 4000 µs
- “single eye resampling” - false
Catmull, Edwin; Rom, Raphael (1974). A class of local interpolating splines. In Barnhill, Robert E.; Riesenfeld, Richard F. (eds.). Computer Aided Geometric Design. pp. 317–326. 10.1016/B978-0-12-079050-0.50020-5
def catmull_rom_resampling(config: CatmullRomResamplingConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], gaze_data: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], output_times: SliceMuti64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], output_gaze: SliceMutBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze]) -> ctypes.c_int:
Savitzky-Golay Smoothing
Smooths gaze data by interpolation using fitted Savitzky-Golay polynomial functions.
This processor will create a polynomial function for every sample passed to this processor where
it can fit a window and output sample this polynomial with the system_timestamp
from the original sample.
This processor will try to create a polynomial for a window that contains invalid samples only if there is at least 2 valid samples. It is highly recommended preceding this processor with a processor that handles invalid data.
The function takes in an array of times and corresponding gaze data, config and writes the result into output gaze array. If smoothing is impossible due to lack of data, initial values are copied to the output gaze.
- This filter must be used on data with monotonic time stamps.
Recommended Configuration
- “half window size” - 2
- “polynomial degree” - 2
- “smooth gaze” - Direction
Savitzky, A. and Golay, M.J.E. (1964) Smoothing and Differentiation of Data by Simplified Least-Squares Procedures. Analytical Chemistry, 36, 1627-1639. 10.1021/ac60214a047
def savitzky_golay_smoothing(config: SavitzkyGolaySmoothingConfig, times: Slicei64 | ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_int64], gaze_data: SliceBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze], output_gaze: SliceMutBinocularGaze | ctypes.Array[BinocularGaze]) -> ctypes.c_int: